Here he is
Seized for
disrespecting the king
For not
taking off his hat
Which he
did again and again
At every
step he took it off
But it appeared
again a thousand times
It did not
stop its hatty game
Until they
took him to the tower
To cut his
Here he is
on top of the tower
The punishment
is the reward
Seeing the
world from the reverse side
From the palace
side, the prosperous side
From the
side of the elite, the well-offs, the kings,
The side
of those who decide for them in slums
Who never walk in their shoes in margins
Who never walk in their shoes in margins
Here I am
Missing you
my friend
--You who love
with empty hands--
the story you once told me
On a bus
in Tehran on a sunny summer day
A story
that makes life and death glorious and gay
There you
In your lima
bean shell
Come out
of your hiding and dare
To appear
with your hat on
With your
green dreams
With your courageous
The gems
on your hat get bigger each time
than those on the crown of the king
You are the
boy, you are the nation, you are me
You have a
thousand hats, a thousand dreams
You have
them, you have me
Here we
Together we
are WE!