“The honorable limbs of body,
Pharmaceutical companies,
Insurance companies,
Dearest physicians,
Hereby I declare
We have gone to remission
Hereby I request
Your sincere endeavor
In the direction of resilience.
Hereby I announce
The evil spirit is gone
It is buried alive somewhere
Out of my soul and mind
It can no longer mess
With my studies and my job
It cannot question
The purpose of my life
Dear Brain,
Let me be free of stress
Do not command another attack
Please, some Serotonin instead.
Dear Ears,
You may stop listening
To this delusion: “What if?”
No ifs, ands, or buts
Nothing will happen.
Dear Face, Dear Fingers,
You may stay in shape
Do not swell
Be well.
Dear Heart,
You may now retire from your race
Stay calm and Adrenalin free
There are no threats
Dear Liver and Kidneys,
You have my appreciation
For overtime and patience
Good job! God bless.
Dear Stomach,
Good news. You can have anything you
Coffee, corn, fried food, chocolate, and
Though better to avoid them forever
Oh, My Poor Colon
My darling Descending one
My beloved Sigmoid
Thank you for your resistance
For tolerating the ulcers, the pains
The bloating and cramps. Well-done!
You deserve the noble peace prize
Or the medical one.
Oh, My Bad Back,
Whenever UC flares up you act up
With your Sacralization of L5-S1
You may rest from your competition and
lay back
Dear Womb,
You will be the only one to menstruate
You will have no other rival
Keep your bloody head up
Dear Blood,
You will be back to normal
Clean and bright
Rich with hemoglobin
I promise.
Dear Legs,
Do not play restless
Stand, dance, and run
The fucking fatigue is gone.
Dearest Immune System,
Stop this foolish game of chess
With my lymphocytes; Behave yourself
Or I will have to suppress
Your immunity.
Oh, Malignant Genes,
What do you want from me?
I beg you to leave. Let me be.
Let us maintain our healthy community
You are just Placebos, or sugar pills
3x 800 mgs? What a ridiculous math
Who cares? Be vitamins
Pharmaceutical Company,
I know you don’t care
I know it’s all about money
But what can I say
You never go out of business
You cure one but create a side effect
Insurance company,
I wish I could say
Go and fuck yourself
But we have an unfinished business
My Dearest Dr. K.......,
You are nice and friendly
You know Persian and have empathy
You are lovely; you are an artist
You are the best colonoscopist
It is every patient’s dream to turn her
And leave her butt at your hands
But you are dismissed
Once in a while
I will pay you a visit
For a chat and possibly tea
Today UC left my mind
I forgot the first day
The toilet was a cup of blood
I do not think about it
UC is gone.
You see?
I am well
I am fine.”
mano bebakhsh