Wednesday, July 13, 2011


On train station platform bench I’m waiting.
It’s a navy blue night at nine thirty.
The moon is spelled, trying to spell me.
“Search, search. You will find it”

“Round the earth I have searched,
But the world is not about it.
Dohol sounded melodiously from afar.
The sky is same old color everywhere.”

“All is inside and nothing outside.
Your heart is the only place you can find it.
Your words make your world.
The world makes the others’ words.
On pages of destiny, you write
 The novel of your life: cliff-hanging,
Repetitive, open-ending,
Then you act it.”

I get on the boat of the moon,
And disappear in Harlem hue
With my Dreams Deferred!


  1. interesting concept. we are destined to search whether inside or outside and although the outside search might look a diversion it could be a guide to the inside for some of us. i think outside is definitely of some use otherwise we would be living in a mono-polar world and so no search i suppose would be necessary.
    unfortunately i'm not poetically talented enough to put these into poems!
    congratulations on ur blog
    keep up the good work

  2. i so love the last stanza....i can see it!
